How Can You Remove CryptoLocker Ransomware From Your Computer

This article contains all necessary information related to Ransomware CryptoLocker. All the details how it enters, adverse impacts and how will you get rid of it are present in this post. You just need to scroll down the page to read them one by one.


It is a very powerful file encrypting Malware. It encrypts files making use of its powerful key. Once it throngs the interface of your computer, then it hardly leaves a file back without encrypting. Then to decrypt that data is next to impossible task.

After encrypting the data on your computer, it displays following text on your screen:

Your personal files have been encrypted”. After displaying this message, then it sends instructions to user asking him/her to pay Ransom. Otherwise it will destroy the data or share it with hackers.

Cryptolocker was first time spotted on internet in year 2013. Most of its variants have been crushed to defeat, but some of its variants are still active on internet. One of its most dangerous variant is locky Ransomware. According to a rough estimate, it has so far collected billions of dollars as Ransom from users.

CryptoLocker Removal

Adverse impacts

Some of the adverse impacts it creates on your system are as follows

  1. It snatches the control of computer from your hands and thus leaves you handicapped.

  2. It prevents you from accessing your system. Every time when you open your System, the threat message from the Ransomware displays on your screen.

  3. It makes you pay ransom via Ukash, Moneypak, and bitcoin etc.

How it makes way into your computer?

Some of the techniques Cryptolocker uses to enter into your system are as follows

  1. Like other Ransomware, it also spreads through spam emails. Spam emails contain Cryptolocker infected links and attachments. The emails are send to thousands of users. Some of the inexperienced users click on link and the malware drops on their system. From their system, it reaches to other systems through external media devices and Peer to peer sharing Applications.

  2. Some developers bundle its setup with some popular freeware. When user installs this freeware, the Ransomware drops on the computer at the same time.

  3. It may also drop on your Operating System when you click on a pop up ad or on some malicious link. Moreover the Trojan, worms and viruses already present on your computer can act as a carrier for this Ransomware to transport it from one device to another.

How can you Remove CryptoLocker Ransomware from your Computer?

You can remove CryptoLocker Ransomware from device manually or by using an antimalware. The risk associated with manual method is that you can end up in damaging System files. A damage to computer file can halt the functioning of entire computer. So it is best to remove it via automatic method.

Automatic Method

The full procedure is as given below

  1. First of all install Malwarebytes on screen

  2. You must be thinking why Malwarebytes only when there are hundreds of other software available. The reason is that it is the most powerful and reliable software available this time on internet.

  3. Scan your computer with Malwarebytes.

  4. The scan will take some time. Once the scan ends, it will show you the threats existing to your device.

  5. Then tap on the threats one by one and remove them from the computer.